Puppets and Actors

We have the basic Jasper puppet, although he’s still in need of a face and some general meat on his bones, which is forthcoming. Joni-Rae Carrack and Faith Brandon spent the day working with him and we have much to show on that front.

The puppet was built by Isabel Lyster and in these photos you can see Paul Piris a puppet director helping our puppeteers bring Jasper to realization. Paul has a company called Rogue28.

As for our fearless Puppeteers, i highly recommend checking out Joni-Rae’s blog, joniraecarrack.wordpress.com

AND you can check out Faith Brandon’s fascinating blog at faithbrandon.blogspot.co.uk

It is a crime i’m not giving these blogs more attention, or even their own seperate posts, but a lot is happening here and time is vaulting at breakneck speed towards the performance.


I’m also going to include a video or two more or Mark working giving actor notes. You’ve seen plenty of this, but i feel it’s noteworthy in order to show where this kind of thing stands at this point into the process.



From here we are focusing on getting the cast to make it through rough runs of the show paying special attention to selling their character and the minimalism the show is focusing heavily on. On Sunday we put the cast and band together in the actual space and things get real.