Iron Sky: Cinema 2.0

Just bear with me for a minute here. So, we have a new movie coming out, Iron Sky. Iron Sky is an upcoming dark sci-fi comedy about Nazis returning from the moon where they fled after WWII, with a soundtrack by Laibach, and produced by production companies in Finnland, Germany and Australia.

Sounds fun, right? Could be ridiculous, could be awesome. But what makes the film even more interesting is that it is a product of Wreckamovie. Wreckamovie is an online collaborative film production platform. It is invested in what it calls Cinema 2.0 where films are made and produced using internet group collaboration.

For instance, an example are Swarm Of Angels, where an attempt was made to get 50,000 people to chip in 25 pounds each to fund the shooting or movie footage that would then be freely available to all to download and edit and create as they saw fit.

Wreckamovie was born during the production of 2005’s Finnish Star Trek dark sci fi comedy parody Star Wreck: In The Perkinning. (It has a Stark Trek vs. Babylon 5 thing going on) The movie  was thought up by 5 guys in a two room flat. During production one room was used as the blue screen and the other the render room. The cast and crew was eventually comprised of numerous volunteers, many aquired online. Due to the immense amount of special effects needed and the severly limited budget, various special effects were farmed out to interested film enthusiasts across the world. In fact, although the movie took 7 years to make since the first 5 was a learning experience (all the footage from the first 5 years was ditched and reshot), Wreckamoive discovered that large amounts of the movie making process could be collaborated upon by an international community of film enthusiasts.

Thus Star Wreck was completed and the online reception resulted in more downloads than the most popular Finnish film has box office attendance (2.9 million).  Wreckamovie was thus born with the concept that anyone can build a community for a movie or any audiovisual project, and ask for assistance in desired tasks for the production. The service makes it possible to produce films together with the community, and thus to create a real interaction with the audience from the development stage.


Iron Sky is this very team’s next project and the film has been made using the same methods of online group collaboration, although this time the process has been much smoother.

So, web 2.0 has come to cinema. Repsonsibility for productions and shooting locations were shared across 3 countries. Directed by the Finnish team, shot in Germany and Australia, soundtrack by the Slovenian band Laibach, with various tasks performed by an international online community. It’s marvelous. And truly, when the world comes together, what it wants most is to kick the shit out of space Nazis. I mean, who doesn’t?
