People asked for it.
In a million years it would never, ever have occurred to me to ever release an album of instrumental “highlights” from the New Albion Trilogy. Seriously. But i keep getting emails asking for instrumental versions of different tracks, most often from folks looking to use it as an audition song or various other sing along reasons.
So okay then. Here is a buttload of instrumental versions from the trilogy.
I picked stuff with a definite focus on singing along to. That;s the real purpose here, not to showcase the songs without vocals. So the picks heavily lean towards solo numbers, the big aria stuff and of course the most requested ones.
In answer to a question i’ve been getting also: can you make videos or recordings of yourself singing these songs and post them online? Yes, you certainly may. Go nuts. What you cannot do is charge money for it. Otherwise you may absolutely record and post on youtube or soundcloud or whatever or wherever. Credit me and my works of course, no selling it (if you wish to sell it you must speak with me), but posting it it you have my blessing.
And uh… well, there you go. All for you, my pretties.
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2569666244 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 tracklist=false]
The Bonus Act is coming along splendidly. Release date is almost certainly November, I wanted end of Oct but i cannot rush these things. I figure you want quality as do i.