The Devil And The Angel

On a periphery from evil clowns, we’re going to feature the closest thing to an evil clown character i’ve made.

Today’s track is from another show i wrote and toured in the States (It’s actually slowly gearing up for another run, but i doubt before 2013). It’s a multimedia theater piece called The Fallen, choreographed by the amazing Shaun Rolly. The track is obviously, very theatrical.

The show is about a fallen angel. She kisses a lonely demon, gives up her wings to experience the world, there’s parties and an orgy and strung out on drugs, yadda yadda yadda. She eventually finds herself maneuvered by the show’s MC/Narrator, who is called Raven, into his Carnival world. He has been subtly drawing her there.

He’s kind of a Devil archetype and this track is where he finally greets the Angel as she enters his realm.

[bandcamp track=189769577 bgcol=071036 linkcol=afd2ee size=venti]