Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends

Hidee ho, all. As many have noticed, the blog has lain untouched for some weeks now. This is due to the fact that i am currently on a month long excursion through the southwest United States. I have finally wound up in San Francisco where i’m hunkered down for a bit, enjoying the beautiful Bay Area where i used to live and catching up with old and new friends.

I should mention that there is a new performance of The Dolls Of New Albion happening in Feb in Oxford, England, the details of which i’ll be posting in the next few days. The blog is rollin back into production and we’ll have many thrills, spills and chills in store.

I’ve even managed to get some of the lyrics for the Atompunk Opera written, although this wont really concern anyone for several months yet. I’m also still on my Visionquest for the 4th Act. Amongst my goals for this trip is to finally figure out a plot for the 4th Act. I know what will happen for the very last song, but between the end of the the 3rd Act that last song of the 4th Act is a gaping hole with a thousand different options. The 4th Act is the Grail of my journey and before journey’s end will present itself, even if i have to hunt it and catch it’s squacking neck with my murderous, bare hands. Sometimes solutions come to you, sometimes they must be seduced. Sometimes coaxed. Sometimes coaxed with a hammer and a morning star. And sometimes one must take a high powered rifle, a packful of bear traps and a handful of peyote into the desert, but this usually results in great injury, year long hexes and possible jailtime so… you know, if wine and your sexy voice will do it i recommend going that route first.

In any case welcome back, to the Southwest Trails Episodes of the blog.


Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

2 thoughts on “Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends

  1. Any detail on the Oxford performance, yet? A few of us Londoners will be trying to make it, but plans need to be made!

  2. Any detail on the Oxford performance, yet? A few of us Londoners will be trying to make it, but plans need to be made!

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