Waiting For The Electrician (to break the 4th wall)

As far as the Dieselpunk Opera goes, this week has been one of heavy preparation. Beginning this Sunday i have a magic 10 days window to work day and night and compose and record the entire 3rd Act.

This is not a problem as long as i’m prepared. And this time, i have very little time in between having just finished the 2nd Act and moving on to the 3rd. Normally i’d mull over things for a bit longer. The Act has to go from a loose plot idea to a tight plot, which is tricky because this is a very complicated Act plot wise. A lot has to happen, the larger issues have to be kept in focus, and the Act has a very short time in which it all has to happen.

I’ve been hammering out the plot details and owe a note of thanks to Patrick Plonski with whom i’ve been emailing back and forth. Actively discussing can be very, very helpful and his intelligent commentary has made a good foil to volley back and forth with. I’ll also have a chat on Sat with my usual go to guy Kevin Hulbert to bat it around one last time and then boom, sunday we begin.

With all the plot focus there’s a lot i could talk about: tightening plots, coming up with the damn things in the first place, working with themes and breaking the 4th wall.

Today, in the spirit of that broekn 4th wall i present a bit of genius by the great Firesign Theater. They of course are masters of… not even having a 4th wall much less a 3rd. Their incredible brand of storytelling using humor and surrealism i bow before.

I’ve probably posted this before, and if i have and you listened… sorry. If not, for heaven’s sake, this will be the greatest 18 minutes of your day.



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