Vagabond Opera

Vagabond Opera is not a theater production but a band who utilizes a raucous of steampunk, theatrics, bohemian cabaret and international vaudvillian style.


Based out of Portland Or (ah, a city i miss. Like most places on the west coast of American i don’t know why i ever left)

“Vagabond Opera was created in 2002 by European-trained opera singer and composer Eric Stern. Then disillusioned with the classical opera world, Stern created a new context for opera: Performance on a more intimate scale incorporating not only opera but elements of Weimar Cabaret, Arabic and Balkan forms, and the original music that springs from the ensemble’s fertile creative work. This is not your granny’s opera, but a visceral artistic ensemble that features powerful instrumental and vocal performances coupled with a highly eclectic and theatrical experience.”


For more visit their website or their Youtube page.

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