Twilight Paintings (and douche)

And by twilight paintings is do NOT mean paintings of ******* Edward whatshisname the douchey, twinkly vampire. I would shoot myself in the ***** first. No, only slightly less douchey, today we feature paintings of twilight.

Now i know what you’re saying. “Paul, for someone who’s taking the piss out of Twilight for being douchey and admittedly a). it is b). I LOVE Twilight and you suck (although it’s still pretty douchey i just love it anyway) your idea for a post today is preeeetty damn douchey. Paintings of twilight? Dude, that’s douchey.”

Yes, i admit the douche potential is strong with this one, BUT… but but but it’s all in the execution. I lay out my case as follows:


Twilight Venice 1908, Monet


Twilight fucking Eve

See? Douchey is a CHOICE.  It’s not like being gay. Being gay means you want to have sex with other women/men but it is your choice if you have sex with DOUCHEY women or men.

Evening Twilight at Acapulco, Diego Rivera 1956

Oh yeah? Well I’VE never had sex with a douchey partner. All my partners are hot and killer.” In that case, i hate to say it, but YOU are their douchey partner.

Twilight, Gwendolyn Kerber

“Oh so YOU’VE never been someone’s douchey partner?”

Twilight Up North, Bonnie Mincu

Let’s see…. i’ve been the dirtbag partner, the dumbass partner, the dy-no-MIIIIITE partner… the dickhead, the the daring, the dashing, the dork… no…. nope, not the douche. Okay, maybe a time or two way back.

Twilight in New Orleans, Diane Millsap

The doucheBAG partner… yeah, defintiely the doucheBAG. But that is NOT technically the same at all.

Twilight Visions, Lena

Do women even douche at all anymore? Didn’t that, like, die out in the 70s? Damn, the crap women have had to put with.

Twilight Landscape, Theodore Rousseau 1850

Look, the point is this, twilight is the bestest time of the entire day. THE BEST. PERIOD. It’s awesome. It is NOT douchey.

Twilight Summoning, Richard Hescox

Yes, okay, i realize these pics are gorgeous and it’s better if i don’t talk.

Twilight Time, Maya Green
Twilight Repose, Yoram Raanan
Twilight Fantasy, Edward Robert Hughes
Twilight in the Wilderness, Frederic Edwin Church
Twilight zone over bas strait

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