Tom Dissevelt: Seriously Cool Atompunk Music

Tom Dissevelt

We’re about ready to start composition of the Atompunk Opera. This time i’m going to break the ritual of composing the Overture first and instead record it down the line after i’ve had a chance to play with ideas first.

As you know, i’ve been searching long and hard for stuff from the 50s and 60s (and 70s,  but i’m already pretty damn familiar with the 70s) which could be listened to as atompunk music and from which i can draw inspiration from.

I’ve come across this dude Tom Dissevelt, a Dutch composer and musician. Between 1956 and1963 he composed numeroous groundbreaking works of electronic music. This stuff is awesome. It’s experimental, definitely light years ahead of its time, but i find it rather accessible. He’s quite melodic. I became an enormous fan of jose vicente asuar doing this research, and i can see how his out there approach could be too far out for some (although extremely useful to me for ideas on atompunk ambience) but Tom Dissevelt is easy to digest while being incredibly daring and single handedly encapsulating this futurist sound of the 50s.




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