Tickets To The Live Show Are Selling

Whoduv thunk it?!?!

Already Friday and Saturday (Nov 30th and Dec 1) have sold out. The Ovalhouse has thus even given us an extra night, Wed the 28th.

I will freak out on my own time (i leave in 4 days. I believe a freak out will occur some time between then and now) but… uh….. well that’s kind of awesome.

If you live in and around London and want to go to our little shindig, the steampunk opera live show in its very first small but sincere step into the world of live theater, directed by the innumerable Mark Swetz and featuring some utterly wonderful performers (including Lauren Osborn), musicians, puppeteers and production staff (Lily Arnold designing!), then tickets are available for Wed Nov 28th and thursady 29th at the Ovalhouse in London.

If i don’t lose my mind beforehand and end up running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off (admittedly not a rare occurrence for me) then i shall see you there.

I began this album, this project almost 2 years ago, after a few emails with Mark casually batting around the idea of making an opera together: i’d write it, he’d direct it, . Since then i have actually written and recorded it and it has become a… thing. It gets a ton of listens, hell some people even buy it, i get fan mail, pats on the back, fascinating emails by listeners asking really thoughtful, interesting questions, basically a reaction beyond any i’ve ever had. Holy Crap do i thank you all. You have no idea. And now, Mark has moved heaven and hell and we take our first step out as a show, the entity it was always meant to be.

Holy crap indeed.

Now if you’ll excuse me i’ll be over here and never mind the chicken noises.

Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

2 thoughts on “Tickets To The Live Show Are Selling

  1. I wish I could see it. Sadly, I’m on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. If it ever comes anywhere else, come to New Jersey. Or New York, I could live with that.

    Also: Congratulations on being sold out! =D

  2. I wish I could see it. Sadly, I’m on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. If it ever comes anywhere else, come to New Jersey. Or New York, I could live with that.

    Also: Congratulations on being sold out! =D

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