The Video Of The London Workshop

Nadia Adame, the videographer who has been entrusted with editing the little video we took of our little production this past Nov has sent me the finished video to watch and i’m watching it now.

I’m kind of enjoying it.

I will post it. Not now, but quite soon. She’s ending one last edit and then i have to compress it and upload it, but i will post it i think.

I’ll give a run down when i do, for those of you who might be picturing some epic production and who may not realize this is a workshop in a very small space on a very small budget. But i see no reason not to just post it for those who are curious. Hell, if you think  it could be a million times better, please send us huge globs of money and i assure we can build off of this into epic. For for what we had to work with, it’s strangely enjoyable.


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