The Steampunk Opera Update

And so we come around to one of those magic moments where we actually comment on The Steampunk Opera itself and how its creation is proceeding.

First, to recap. The entire thing has been written and the music recorded. The 3rd Act has even been rewritten and indeed i’ll probably touch it up some more.

I am headed to London tonight (technically tomorrow morning) for a 5 Am flight (kill me) and over the course of this next week will be recording an exceptionally talented team of vocalists in order to complete 2 full demos of the project.

We are assembling a 5 song demo of selections from the show and a second demo consisting of the entire 1st Act. These can then be used for multiple purposes, but the most important one is to attract the  resources necessary to premiere the show in 2012.

Naturally, the demos, one of them at least, if not both will be available on this blog and i’ll be replacing the Music Excerpts that are currently up now.

One of the demos, maybe both, i’ll figure it out, will be made widely available and disseminated as much as possible as the most important thing that can be done at this juncture is to create interest in the project and attract parties who can help.

There will be Kickstarter campaign which will focus on raising funds for some particular aspect of The Steampunk Opera, but we’ll deal with that later. (I should have started a bloody campaign to raise finances for this recording session because London is fucking brutal)

Obviously, this will be a dead week for posts. Check back next week and i’ll have more fun shenanigans for your amusement not to mention some completed tracks to listen to.


(PS just to mention, words like “bloody” and “cheers” are not dotting my conversation due to enthusiasm over going to london, i actually use them in my daily conversation. When i was in my early 20s i lived in Chicago and my circle of friends were all English. I picked up both “bloody” and “cheers”, with ‘bloody’ being especially useful as you can use in place of the f-bomb and admittedly, i find swearing to be wonderfully useful as a way of colorfully expressing one’s thoughts. In any case, they long ago got cemented into my speech patterns so sod the fuck off.)

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4 thoughts on “The Steampunk Opera Update

  1. I loved the waltz you posted on you tube that, I am assuming, is the overture. Since the time is very regular I think it is quite dance-able. I would love to use this in the ballroom at the Steampunk Exhibition Ball in January. Do you have a version I could buy? I am more than happy to plug the Opera as well.

  2. I loved the waltz you posted on you tube that, I am assuming, is the overture. Since the time is very regular I think it is quite dance-able. I would love to use this in the ballroom at the Steampunk Exhibition Ball in January. Do you have a version I could buy? I am more than happy to plug the Opera as well.

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