The Possible Cover?

This is the current front runner for album cover.  Of all the stuff i’ve found this just spoke to me the most.  It’s available for use which is also a big plus.

Fairy Tales for Homeless Faeries by Paul Shapera

Basically, it’s done. I’m just waiting to get some spoken vocals back from someone and i’ll release the album. (The delay is not their fault, it’s entirely mine) It’s mixed and mastered, just missing one spoken vocal part that i’d rather be someone else’s voice instead of mine.

In about an hour i’ll give another listen to the full album, but my notes have gone down to almost zero. It’s right about ready to go and i am pleased as punch with it. I really had no idea that it was going to turn out so good. I will not however, be posting songs prior to release. I don’t know which one or ones to post and i feel a listener needs to listen to more than one to get a sense of the album and you can listen anyway when it goes live on Bandcamp. While all songs are complete stories in themselves, the album is carefully constructed to be best experienced as a full listen.

Ah, blah blah blah, i digress. Here is what is likely going to be the cover unless something really special comes across my lap.

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2 thoughts on “The Possible Cover?

  1. I’m ready to flick my credit card at the monitor and prepare for some of that sweet Shapera gold. Anytime now… Sooooooon.

  2. I like it. White part looks almost like a cradle to me, which given faeries and changeling lore fits really well.

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