The Lyrics Too

Curse you one and all.

Sitting here typing up the lyrics, typing and typing lyric after lyric while making the final mixdowns (minor stuff by now), whilst uploading the finished tracks… HAVE YOU NO MERCY?!?!

I learned my lesson last time about including the lyrics, which is include them or be inundated with emails asking for them. Okay, okay. I get it.

But come on people, do you have any idea how many words these things have? This is merciless. I’m telling you, next time i’m writing My Humps, The Shitty Opera where at least the lyrics are few and utterly unnecessary.


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3 thoughts on “The Lyrics Too

  1. The hordes of merciless fans are the price you pay for releasing amazing albums.

    Also, I’d totally listen to a satirical album poking fun at pop songs named My Humps: The Shitty Opera. Just sayin’.

  2. You must really hate yourself for writing your own songs.
    (Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t ask for the lyrics although, they are a nice bonus.)

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