The Dresden Dolls

Let’s have a little Dresden Dolls in our day, shall we?

A great live recording, here’s the song Sex Changes.


Self described as Brechtian Punk Cabaret, the duo of Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione came up with the description out of fear the press would use the word Gothic.

Highly melodic and dripping with attitude, Amanda Palmer’s personality rails, rages and wreaks into every number. Simply piano and drums viciously attack the numbers and even the soft, nice ones drip with subversion.

I discovered them almost 3 years ago, just before leaving the states. My good friend Kevin recommended them and i used to listen to them every morning on my way to language school in Belgrade. (Where i learned just enough Serbo-Croatian to sound like a witty toddler) As a piano player who almost breaks himself over the piano, the energy the two can dish out was thrilling, but of course, the lyrics, the melodies and Palmer’s bloody BRAIN and attitudes are what makes the music exceptional.

Clearly, they are a prime influence on this Steampunk Opera, although to avoid having to pay Amanda Palmer a royalty check, i’m trying to NOT listen to them during the composition process.

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