The Dolls of New Albion, A Steampunk Opera. Act 1.

Welcome to The Steampunk Opera, a 4 Act theatrical musical that follows 4 generations of a family in the mythical steampunk city of New Albion.

For promotional purposes, we present here the entire recorded 1st Act, featuring performers Lauren Osborn as Annabelle and Kayleigh McKnight as The Narrator, with music by Paul Shapera.

This 1st Act revolves around the scientist Annabelle McAlistair. We hope you enjoy it.

Act 1 S1, Overture:

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Act 1 S2, New Albion 1 (featuring Kayleigh McKnight):

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Act 1 S3, Annabelle Raises The Dead (featuring Lauren Osborn)

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Act 1 S4, Annabelle Has A Doll (featuring Lauren Osborn & Kayleigh McKnight)

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Act 1 S5, Annabelle’s Lament (featuring Lauren Osborn)

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Act 1 S6, We Bid The 1st Generation Adieu (featuring Kayleigh McKnight)

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Special thanks goes out to MProductions, a London based theater company and in particular Artistic Director Chris Cuming, Company Manager Jennifer Harding, and Sound Engineer Peter Malkin, without whom the recordings would not have been possible. And of course, especially and most of all to Mark Swetz.

If you like the music you can always support the show by purchasing any of the songs for $1 apiece or the entire Act for $5. For all other inquiries please either comment or email me through

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