The Atompunk Opera: Halfway There.

So here’s your update on the AO.

I am officially halfway through writing it. And by halfway i mean the first two acts are done, music, lyrics and everything, ready for the vocalists to record (although there will undoubtedly be tweaks. Hell, i could throw away entire songs, it’s possible, but let’s just say i’m not and everything’s peachy).

Okay, technically i’m spending today making the very last minute of the 2nd Act. Barely counts, although it should be stated that that last minute is plotwise the most crucial plot point of the entire opera. I mean, basically the whole story hinges on it, however it’s not complicated to make, it just has to be done properly.

So, i’ve got the first Act donwpat, and boy what a thrill it was to listen to that when i finally had scratch vocals and lyrics and everything and realized it actually didn’t suck. I mean, you never really know until that fateful moment. but lo and behold it didn’t suck and i actually kind of really liked it and thought “well maybe this isn’t going to be a complete and utter debacle after all.”

The 1st act has a great mood and the 2nd was complicated storywise going in but turned out to go rather smoothly. Plus, the AO’s VP song kicks serious ass.

I’ve been hesitant to set dates on when to record the vocalists because it’s been so tough to predict when the whole thing will be done. And here’s the thing: if i was alone here and could work 10-12 hour days, i would be able to do Act 3 in a week. The whole thing, one week. EASY. Mostly because Act 3 is SO well planned out… hell, Act 3 is the entire point of the opera. From the beginning Act 3 is where it’s all headed, always was, and i’ve had it in mind since the start. When i came up with the idea for the opera, it was Act 3 that came to me. As i’ve been writing the first 2 Acts the details have all worked themselves out and now… i could rock that Act 3 shit no problem.

For the moment i will tighten up the first two acts and then in a few days to a week be off to work on Act 3 assuming i finish my other which is more pressing.

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