The Album Fairy Tales for Homeless Fairies Is Now Available

Fairy Tales for Homeless Fairies by Paul Shapera

Ladies and Gentlemen, i offer you my newest album Fairy Tales for Homeless Fairies for perusement and purchase on Bandcamp.

The goal for this album is to be the most awesome book of short stories (which happens to be about fairies in this case) you never read. And instead of reading it, you listen to it told to you in song.

While the songs are complete in and of themselves, the album was never the less carefully constructed to ideally be listened to in a single sitting, both thematically and emotionally. So if you can…

I obviously hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please consider buying it as that little 5 dollar purchase actually feeds me and enables me to stay alive so that i can write more albums for your amusement.

So without further ado:

Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

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