Hello all, and thank you for the insanely awesome night last night. Im still waiting on proper pictures, but there are a few audience photos that have made it online this morning. It was a wonderful time and i wish we could perform it again tonight.
For those still around, there will be a meetup this afternoon/evening at Ye Olde Fighting Cock in St Albans today (Mon, Oct 28th) at 5 PM (1700). It’s located on the end of town near the giant cathedral. Whoever’s around, come on down and hang out. I’m definitely there, Lauren is likely to come, a number of folks are definitely coming, so you should too. The pressure’s off, the canticle sung, so now we can relax and enjoy an evening.
Meeting you all has far and away been the best part of this entire experience. You are so damn wonderful i cannot put my love for you and enjoyment of your company in words. The month of oct has gone from the most cursed week to the most blessed and i may need to get checked for emotional whiplash. I am so delighted at the prospect of getting to see you all one last time, and for those already on their way back home or off to other adventures, be well, thank you for making this week and performance so wonderful for myself and the cast, and see you again.
It was so incredible to see and hear you all live and getting to meet you. Thank you all so much for the unforgettable evening. Best birthday present ever. 😉
We’re already on our way back to Belgium, but hope you all enjoy the pub tonight.