We Got A Grant!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our regularly scheduled post to inform you that WE GOT A £10,000 GRANT FROM THE ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND!!!! do the butt dance, do the butt dance, do the butt dance, do the butt dance, do the butt dance […]

The Album Is Here!

CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW Welcome everyone to the grand premiere of the entire album The Dolls Of New Albion, A Steampunk Opera. This 90 minute, 4 Act slightly demented musical story features the immense vocal talents of Lauren Osborn, […]

Jason Broderick

Well folks, the end is nigh. The recordings are almost complete. The exceptional Jason Broderick has completed his tracks as was foretold in the ancient prophecies and now only one remains. As with our Narrator, the stunningly captivating Kayleigh McKnight, […]

Kayleigh McKnight

And so the recordings continue, this time with the exquisite siren’s sound of Kayleigh McKnight. Kayeigh is the Narrator and the guiding voice throughout the show. She is your chaperon and the through line throughout the 4 generations of McAlistairs […]

Lauren Osborn

While tomorrow begins the full tilt Steampunk Opera recording sessions here in shagtastic London, due to prior commitments we had to record Lauren a week early, so she’s actually done. No, sorry, you can’t actually hear anything we recorded. I […]