Female Tom Waits

I feel bad about the title of today’s post. These fine women have their own styles and don’t deserve to be classified by how they stack up to this one guy. However this encompasses a major element i’m looking for […]


I’ve taken an evening to research and listen to a bunch of ragtime. Rather then be coy about it, i’ll just come right out and explain how it’s relevant. For the first song of the 2nd Act of the Dieselpunk […]

Catnip Tea

In our last post we detailed how guitarist Miljen Aljinovic saved my sanity. But just who is this masked man, roaming the wilds of Eastern Europe with a guitar on his back in his self imposed sabbatical? For one thing […]


It’s no secret i do a bunch of work with Matthew Broyles of The Matthew Show. However, that is not why i’m dedicating a post to his new album Memphis. I’m dedicating a post to it because i honestly, truly […]