
I suppose in the interest of all thing atompunk we should mention Barbarella. Released in 1968 and starring a young Jane Fonda, Barbarella is… it’s insanely campy, and i mean insanely. It’s very sexually themed but i can’t quite tell […]

Underground Bunkers

With Atompunk comes the atomic age, and with the atomic age comes underground bunkers! Today we will feature designs for modern, underground bunkers. Live out the end of the world in the bunker of your dreams. Hell, some of these […]

Forbidden Planet Soundtrack

I should do a post purely on the movie Forbidden Planet. It’s impact on science fiction is incalculable. But let’s simply today focus on the soundtrack. The soundtrack  was composed by Louis and Bebe Barron. MGM producer Dore Schary discovered the couple quite by […]