Futurist Architecture

The first wave of Futurists, the Italians from 1909 until WWI sparked a lot of fires with their vision of bold, vehemently modern, machine and industry industry loving, confrontationally daring art. One such fire was in the field of architecture. […]

Fairy Tale Castles

Let me be clear from the get go: i have stolen the idea for this post lock stock and barrel from Charming Trinity without shame or honor.  She has a post called, coincidentally enough, Fairy Tale Castles which seemed like such a good […]

He Said, Seastead

Yes i should be shot for the title.  I know this. Let’s just move on. Seasteading, kids!!! It’s the city of the future! It’s a movement to build self reliant livable communities in the sea. It is quite popular with certain libertarian […]