Stop. Bowie Time.

We must stop all posts immediately and play 3 David Bowie videos. Why? Because he made ******** Life On Mars. Do you NOT like Life On Mars? Whatta you, some kind of douchebag? It’s ******* Life On Mars. We need to listen to it today becauase we forgot it existed for awhile and then we remembered and now we must hear it. Duh.


So, my 3 favorite Bowie songs. Well, there’s that last one. Then there’s this one:

Sweet Thing/Candidate


And of course one of my favorite dance and party songs of all time:

Young Americans


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2 thoughts on “Stop. Bowie Time.

  1. I read somewhere that David Bowie wrote Life on Mars for The Man who Fell to Earth but it never made to the movie so he used the material for his White Duke persona on stage…

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