Steampunk Fashion

Today we’re going to take a little look at the wonderful clothing designs of Kate Lambert, aka KATO of

KATO designs and creates clothing which she markets as steampunky, since her natural style and certain steampunk sensibilities go hand in hand. Aside from her own designs she will create outfits specifically catered to a particular customer’s demands. She has worked incredibly hard to build up her site and line and is extremely well respected. Here’s some reasons why:

She started up the SteampunkCouture site in May 2005 after a friend introduced her to the steampunk term thinking that it fit remarkably well with her style of design and dress.

Naturally, like most artists, myself included, the road to being able to make a living through her creative work was long and fraught with lots of crappy jobs.  Let’s see… she’s got “served coffee” (check), worked cash register (check),  cleaned hotels (nah. I’ve debased myself in other ways) and nursed the elderly (nah, but bonus points for being a good human being.) Now of course the orders pour in, all of which she handmakes herself.

Every now and then a movement pops up that attracts a certain mood, books, fashion, attitude. Goth for instance. Goth has been quite big for decades, since the 80s to be precise. It’s populated by teenagers and college students mostly and naturally has it’s cliches: mopey, serious, emotionally morose, although i’m not knocking it. Most movements are: metal, industrial, etc. But one thing i enjoy about the steampunk movement is that it’s just more… fun. It’s actually mostly fun. It’s almost impossible to take in an 0ver serious tone. It’s has a bit of slabdashery and tomfoolery about it. A little wink wink, right squire?

I think KATO does an excellent job of reflecting that sense of fun and creativity in her work.

So today KATO, we here at the Steampunk Opera salute you! Please check out the full site SteampunkCouture which has a million more things of awesomeness than i could possibly fit into a little ol’ blog post.

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