Steampunk Fairy Tales

So a couple places on the net have held contests where participants submit art on the theme of Steampunk Fairy Tales, an awesomely excellent theme if ever there was one. We’ll be covering 2 of these contests.

Today’s post is on the the first and most prestigious contest, which was held by the CGSociety (Computer Graphics). There were numerous fields to win and lots of video, but we’re going to stick to the still image winners. If you want to view the complete winners and their prospective fields, check out the page here.

The Image Award for Individual Master went to Fabricio Moraes for his steampunk take on Pinnochio:

steampunk fairy tales, pinnochio


I know, right? That’s insanely gorgeous.

The winner of the Image Excellence Award went to Laurent Pierlot for Bakto Fairy:

steampnk fairy tales, bakto fairy


The award for Best Character went to Guillaume Dubois for his take on the catepillar in Alice In Wonderland:

steampunk fairy tales, alice in wonderland


Concept Art Award went to Yap Kunrong for his take on the Legend of Yamoto (the legendary Japanese warrior Yamato Takeru, or Prince Ousu the subject of a number of fantastic tales)

steampunk fairy tales, the legend of yamoto


The award for Texture went to Marcin Jakubowski for his rendition of The Fall of Hyperion (a Titan, overthrown by Zeus):

steampunk fairy tales, the fall of hyperion


The Digital Painting Award went to Tomasz Jedruszek for Icaraus Day

steampunk fairy tales, icaraus day


Landscape, Matte Painting went to Marek Madej for his take on Don Quixote:

steampunk fairy tales, don quixote


And lastly,  the Award for Lighting went to Aleksander (Olek) Novak-Zemplinski for his Odysseus’ Departure:

steampunk fairy tales, odysseus' departure


And that’s that. Cheers.

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