Snuff Puppets

Don’t worry, i’m not going to post about theatrical puppetry forever, but this company is worth having their own post.

Snuff Puppets is a theatrical puppet company based in Melbourne Australia. They have… an “archaic sense of fun” and their humor is dark and slightly insane. To quote: “We create theatrical experiences that are visceral and accessible. All that is taboo in our society we tackle, with a vulgar, irreverent, gratuitously violent and comic sensibility.”

Interested? Here’s a peak:

[vimeo w=600&h=380]

Interesting, no?

Clearly we must see more. Here is a performance they did in Indonesia with an Indonesian company.

[vimeo w=600&h=380]

That is awesome. Does anyone not think that is awesome?

One more:

[vimeo w=600&h=380]

Be sure to check them out at their website There’s WAY more than i posted here.

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