Marque Cornblatt: Kinetic Art of the Media Sapient

“Rubin, in some way that no one quite understands, is a master, a teacher, what the Japanese call a sensei. What he’s the master of, really, is garbage, kipple, refuse, the sea of cast off goods our century floats on. Gomi no sensei. Master of junk.” -William Gibson

Kinetic art is art that contains moving parts or depends on motion for its effect. The moving parts are generally powered by wind, a motor or the observer. Kinetic art encompasses a wide variety of overlapping techniques and styles.”

“Do not boast about the tempo of technology. The final, essential questions are not altered by technology. They remain. Even in the most modern airplane you travel forever with yourself-your mood, your misery, your world-weariness. You may be able to measure your blood-pressure more accurately than Albert Magnus did. In photographs, you may depict landscapes more precisely than Aristotle could. The ultimate questions still stand before your soul today, as they always have. Take heed that your flight does not carry you beyond that which is essential, but closer to it.”

-Carl Sonnenschein

Marque Cornblatt was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1966 and now lives in San Francisco. He holds an MFA in Conceptual Arts from SFSU; has a diploma in theater technology from the Baltimore School of the Arts and a B.F.A. in film and video production from New York University.

Cornblatt’s robots, machine art and video scuptures have been exhibited at the SF MoMA, San Jose Museum of Art, Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, di Rosa Preserve, Downey Museum of Art, and at galleries throughout California and New York.

A self-described “Promosexual”, Marque has appeared on numerous TV programs and is currently producing and hosting “Gomi Style”, a DIY lifestyle and design series.”

For more of Marque Cornblatt’s work and thought you can go to his website at or the Gomi Style blog.


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