Lost Night’s Lullabye

I’m sorry. i wasn’t actually going to post this song as it’s not technically from the London recording sessions. However i’ve been specifically asked to post it as it was, or i guess technically is (but really “was”) in the running for being on the second demo. I took it out of the running due to a number of reasons but have acquiesced and will post the damn thing.

Where are our stars? Our amazing singers? They’ll be back tomorrow with the BIG one. Another full ensemble number featuring not just everybody, but everybody singing different reprises at the same time in the one of the peak numbers of the entire show. So stay tuned.

Since i’m posting tracks in order of their appearance in the show, now would be the time for our current one. This is from Act 3 and is sung by the Doll Jasper (the same guy who Annabelle brought back ends up in every Act. He and the Narrator are the only characters who remain throughout the entire show). In fact, it’s Jasper’s one and only true, full length, solo song.

Obviously i hope you enjoy it, and regardless, tomorrow’s track should be an extra good one. See you then!

[bandcamp track=3084862164 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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