Lauren Osborn

While tomorrow begins the full tilt Steampunk Opera recording sessions here in shagtastic London, due to prior commitments we had to record Lauren a week early, so she’s actually done.

No, sorry, you can’t actually hear anything we recorded. I will be doing the final mixdown and mastering at my home studio so you’ll have to wait. But i figured while we all wait for the final product to emerge we can feature each of our rock stars as they complete their swath of domination.

Lauren of course simply owns the album. Listen to Act 1. It’s hers. She simply smacks it down and pwns it. Naturally she has some incredible moments in the next few acts, particularly the 4th singing that Priscilla song i had fussed over some months ago. However, the new song i added just before coming here is actually working out fantastically and she really brings it to life.

I thought we’d feature one of my favorite of her moments from the first sessions, although really, the entire 1st Act is her finest moment. In any case, if Annabelle Raises The Dead doesn’t impress the crap out of you, you are already a zombie and nothing short of raw brains will appease you.

[bandcamp track=2310323937 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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