Kayleigh McKnight

And so the recordings continue, this time with the exquisite siren’s sound of Kayleigh McKnight.

Kayeigh is the Narrator and the guiding voice throughout the show. She is your chaperon and the through line throughout the 4 generations of McAlistairs and the fall of New Albion.

Here in the second round of recording Kayleigh has significantly more tracks to record and her presence as our guide through the twisted tale is felt more intimately. Kayleigh’s impact upon the role is huge: i was debating various ways to have the Narrator be idiosyncratic it was upon hearing her sing the first verse of New Albion 1 that i realized a key trait would be the Narrator singing in an alto range.

(K: “Which octave do you want me to to sing it in?”

Me: “There’s a choice?”

K:”Yeah, i can sing it low or high”

Me: “Okay, i guess do a verse low first then try it high”

K: “La la la”

Me: “Stop! Stop. Holy (expletive).”

K: “You want to try high?”

Me: ” NO. Low. It will all be low. Yea, from this day forth until the end of time you shall singeth this role in thine (expletive) awesome alto as shall all who follow you, whether be it in their showers or humming whilst beladen beneath their ipods and other auditory devices henceforth until the day of reckoning.”)

And thus it came to pass. More or less. There were probably a few more profane expletives as i don’t believe art, music and theater can be hammered out without copious amounts of profanity flying about the room, but you get the idea.

I am itching to get to mixing and mastering all of Kayleigh’s new material throughout Acts 2, 3 and 4, but we’ve got a ways to go until these sessions are completed, so i leave you with a stroll down an Act 1 highlight, New Albion 1.

[bandcamp track=434875157 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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