Jason Broderick

Well folks, the end is nigh. The recordings are almost complete. The exceptional Jason Broderick has completed his tracks as was foretold in the ancient prophecies and now only one remains.

As with our Narrator, the stunningly captivating Kayleigh McKnight, Jason’s role is much expanded this time as  there is a significantly greater male lead presence in the following 3 acts.

Since clarity is not always my strong point, the way the Dolls Of New Albion: A Steampunk Opera works is that there are 4 acts, each act following a different generation of the McAlistair family in the city of New Albion. While the Narrator remains consistant, the male and female leads, played by Jason Broderick and Lauren Osborn change characters each Act.

Thus Annabelle McAlistair is the center of Act 1, but it is her son Edgar whom the second act revolves around. Get the idea?

With Jason having left the studio kicking ass and taking names, we have only one last singer to record and then i shall leave London and after fulfilling another commitment (food on the table and all that) begin the mixing and mastering process.

So today let us listen to one of Jason’s finest moments from the last sessions, a track i have received a great number of enthusiastic comments about, Bring You Down.

[bandcamp track=1510875774 bgcol=561515 linkcol=e7d098 size=venti]

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