Iconic Photos From the 1940s

In honor of leaving for London to record the amazing singers for the Dieselpunk Opera, today we shall feature some iconic photos from the 1940s. I should note, i’m featuring daily life photos not WWII related photos.


iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s

iconic photos from the 1940s


iconic photos from the 1940s

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