Holy ####! The Most Amazing Sculpist You Will See This Month. This Year Probably.

I could call it steampunk sculpture because he does have a few pieces that are steampunk, but this guy’s work is so flat out amazing why limit ourselves to just showing the steampunk stuff?

This is the piece that caught my attention:

steampunk sculpture

The sculptor’s name is Kris Kuksi.

Wait, check this thing out:

kris kuksi

Holy ####! I know, right?

His background? Here: “Born March 2, 1973, in Springfield Missouri and growing up in neighboring Kansas, Kris spent his youth in rural seclusion and isolation along with a blue-collar, working mother, two significantly older brothers, and an absent father. Open country, sparse trees, and alcoholic stepfather, all paving the way for an individual saturated in imagination and introversion. His propensity for the unusual has been a constant since childhood, a lifelong fascination that lent itself to his macabre art later in life. The grotesque to him, as it seemed, was beautiful.”

I couldn’t possibly write anything better than that.  Wait, more awesomeness:

kris kuksi

Guillermo del Toro  buys this guy’s work and keeps in his house. Seriously. Makes total sense.

“In personal reflection, Kris feels that in the world today much of mankind is oftentimes frivolous and fragile, being driven primarily by greed and materialism. He hopes that his art exposes the fallacies of Man, unveiling a new level of awareness to the viewer. His work has received several awards and prizes (it bloody well should!) and has been featured in over 100 exhibitions in galleries and museums worldwide including the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.”

kris kuksi

kris kuksi

kris kuksi

This one is a personal favorite. ChurchTank:

kris kuksi

kris kuksi

Many more immensely awesome sculptures can be found at Mr. Kuksi’s website, kuksi.com.

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