Gonzo Folk Art Architecture: Phonehenge West

North of Los Angeles, in the mountains of Sierra Pelona, is an area called Acton. Acton was founded by gold miners during the gold rush of the 1800s and has a wild, rustic southwest feel.

On his 1.6 acre property Alan Kimble Fahey spent 30 years building a 200,000 square foot structure he called Phonehenge.

Phonehenge West

Alan was a phone company technician and most of the material was discarded telephone poles.

Phonehenge West

In 2011 the Los Angeles county enforcers showed up and informed him he had built this magnificent creation without a permit and ordered he tear it down.

Phonehenge West

He fought as best he could. Alas, he fought the law and the law won.

Phonehenge West

In 2012 they tore it down. He asked that they please not throw out all the material as it could be reused. They ignored him and drove it 53 tons of telephone poles out in numerous dump trunks and demolished them. It took them 3 weeks and Alan Fahey was ordered to pay for it.

Phonehenge West

He refused.

Phonehenge West

He was sentenced to 539 days in jail, for failure to pay for the demolition of his 30 year creation.

Phonehenge West

His appeal is pending.

Phonehenge West


Phonehenge West


Phonehenge West

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