Fantastic Planet (La Planète Sauvage)

Fantastic Planet

On the subject of Atompunk, here is an old sci-fi masterpiece.

Made in 1973 using cut out stop motion, directed by René Laloux,production designed by Roland Topor, written by both of them and animated at Jiří Trnka Studio.

It’s beloved by stoners around the world, but it’s much more than just old, trippy animation (which does appear pretty damn outdated, and yet still works). The movie is actually stellar, with some incredible concepts. The premise is simple enough: on an alien world, humans have become pets of giant aliens. The alien culture is where the really interesting details lay.

Seriously, it’s a classic.  Didn’t you see this in college? I really wish i could find a proper full version on the net, but alas, no full original version exists. Here’s the first 9 minutes. If you’re a little intrigued, go check out the whole film.


For something even MORE trippy, here is a LIVE staged version of the film. Yes, a film that many would argue cannot be performed live has. Here is roughly the same part of the movie you just watched in a live, stage show. (kudos to the band for actually playing the original score)


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