Fairy Album Release Date: Tues. Oct 15th

Yes, it is finished and done and ready for your consumption It will be out on Tues.

I realize such news doesn’t fill an entire post very well, I mean, here you’ve taken the time and trouble to click over to the blog and all you get is the information mentioned in the title. That seems unfair. Like a blatant disregard for your time and the possibilities a blog post can contain. You ask yourself, if he’s so lame with his posts, so disregarding of my need for cheap entertainment and ignorant of the possibilities a blog post can contain, what must his albums be like?  Damn, this album that he’s talking about must SUCK.

FEAR NOT, Gentle Soul. I would not leave you with such a lame blog post just to tell you that an album of Fairy stories set to song, songs guaranteed to have slightly kinky intercourse with your heart is coming out on Tues.

Instead i give you the literal video version of the 80s song Safety Dance. It will make you inexplicably happy. The Fairy album won’t. As i have said many a time, my entire goal as an artist is to fuck your heart, then break it, then have you thank me for it.

Tragedy tomorrow. Comedy tonight!


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