Exos, Because You Deserve More Than FB and Twitter

As we continue our journey to the November performance it is now opportune to roll out a Twitter feed and a FB page. If i could politely ask you kind folks to go give the FB page a little like… numbers like that help us to demonstrate concretely that we are not floating here in cyberspace talking to ourselves. Myself… see? Out here too long and the royal We starts creeping in to all the other voices clambering for head space and whispering their ominous commands.

steampunkopera on Facebook!

Additionally you will note a Twitter button up to your right. Just pointing it out. On these pages We will post not only fascinating updates about the show and it’s many processes but fun little quirks and smirks. So just to let you know.

Now really, that’s what i wanted to tell you today. But i know, i KNOW that you’d be saying “Well Paul, that’s really great. But, you know, we come here to be entertained. This blog occupies a crucial three to five minutes in my daily internet time in which i assume there’s be something, you know, enterTAINing or interesting. You only post once a day, so… uh… that’s it?”

How could i live with myself letting y’all down like that? It’s hard enough living with myself with ALL THESE STUPID VOICES. So, i offer you a lovely little animated (even steampunky!) short called Exos.


[vimeo http://vimeo.com/4865046 width=”600″ height=”388″]

Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

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