Edgar Starts A Business: Jason Broderick

Welcome back. Let us now move on to a smattering of selections from the other 3 acts.

With the next 5 songs i am not going to try to fill in the story, since i want you to actually, you know, want to see the show. However, today’s song from the 2nd Act does a pretty good job of telling it’s own story self sufficiently.

Thus we meet Jason Broderick. Lest you thought there were no men in this show, another stellar voice is added to our menagerie.

Strong, unique and full of presence, Jason’s voice appears in most of the numbers from here on out. This track is from the 2nd Act, sung by Edgar, Annabelle’s son a few decades in the future from the events of the 1st Act.

[bandcamp track=2564212369 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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2 thoughts on “Edgar Starts A Business: Jason Broderick

  1. Oh Paul, don’t you worry your self about revealing the plot line. I recently read that spoilers are more likely to encourage people to see a movie, than keeping the ending a secret. I heard the music to “Rent” long before I saw the play. If I hadn’t, I don’t think I would have gone. In any case, I will see it when it comes to Seattle. I am certainly talking your show up all over my community, so…don’t be shy…. if you write it and record it….WE WILL COME!

    1. Oh, see, when i want to read a book, i won’t even read the back or inside cover. Of course it assumes that i know the author or it was recommended to me. But i HATE spoilers.

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