Dark Cabaret: Harlequin Jones

Fiona Apple meets The Dresden Dolls. That is what this first track from the Dark Cabaret band Harlequin Jones sounds like. Which is a good thing. Check it out:


Pretty sweet, right?

Harlequin Jones are the duo of singer/pianist Amanda von Loon and Drummer Jesse Arcadio (who also adds some occasional bass and guitar)

Okay, so now that you’ve got a Fiona Apple/DD thing in your head, let’s take that idea and bring it into the realm of psychotic breakdown.


I mean seriously, that and some other songs of theirs are kind of insane. And once again, that’s a good thing. They have a dark edge to them that is achieved at the musical level, not simply by singing dark lyrics over lurking music. The music itself  twists off the cabaret ledge, sometimes hanging on by its fingernails before managing to crawl back up again. Which i like. They’ve got something going on. They play in Los Angeles, and have a new album out, The Bad Beginning.

To check their album out on CDBaby go here.

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