Concrete House 1

It’s been so long since we’ve done architecture pics, let’s dwell on this topic a hair longer, shall we?

As i’m currently in the middle of composing and recording the 2nd Act of the Dieselpunk Opera (3 tracks in the bag, baby!) we are into all things dieselpunk these days, so industrial home design is our fetish this week.

I’m going to feature 3 houses made out of concrete, in the modern industrial design camp.

Here is the today’s house. It’s made mostly out of concrete and glass with wood for the outside floors. I am having one hell of time finding the architects or location. If anybody knows please tell me so i can give credit to them for designing one amazing house.

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house


My only question is how this house would be like to walk about in bare feet.

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house

modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house


modern industrial concrete dieselpunk house


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