Celebrity Mugshots Shopped To Look Like 1920s

Someone posted this over at dieselpunk.org and it’s pretty cool. The title says it all: current celebrity mugshots done up by Michael Jason Enriquez  to appear like they’re from the 1920s.

I’m sure if choosing celebrties i basically dislike (with one or two exceptions) was purposeful… not that Mr. Enriquez had my particular dislikes in mind… but then i realize it’s hard to include really talented actors and actresses because they may have actually made credible period pieces. I mean, what’s the point of photoshopping denzel washington or leonardo decaprio when they’ve already done basically every period from the civil war up to now. So here are some shmucks (with an exception or two) you’re far less likely to see starring in a role from the 1920s or really any that might require… you know…. credible acting.

amanda bynes 1920s







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