Bohren & der Club of Gore

Today we feature an excellent band making modern noir music, Bohren & der Clud of Gore.

It’s ambient jazz technically, but it sounds like what youo would think heavily chilled, dark modern noior music would sound like. Sparse, slow, moody as hell, with something ominous waiting patiently in the shadows.



It’s beautiful, right?

Bohren & der Cluc of Gore are a German band. The line up is:


CHRISTOPH CLÖSER Saxophones, Fender Rhodes, Piano, Vibraphone

MORTEN GASS  Organ, Vocoder, 8-String Bass, Synthesizer, Mellotron


“Driven by  the idea of a more unique style of music, they  formed BOHREN (german word for drilling) in 1992 to play, as they called it, „ doom ridden jazz music“.”

Let’s listen to another track. I just adore this.


The band’s website is here.

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