Annabelle’s Lament: Lauren Osborn



THIS is the one.

Ask me which song from the session is my favorite. Go ahead. Ask.

This one.

Listen to it.

Writing it was a lyrical nightmare. The way i solved my absolute cluelessness in how to write the lyrics and say all i wanted to say was i sat down at night for 2-3 hours, wrote the lyrics for the entire song, then sat down the following night and starting from scratch wrote another set all over again. Then again the next night. On the 3rd night i actually wrote lyrics i didn’t hate.

I’ve even thought about waiting to post this until Monday because blog traffic always goes down on the weekend and i really want y’all to hear this one, but i’m putting it up today anyway. I’ve even purposely not placed the track at the beginning of the post so y’all’re less likely to hit play and then keep reading, because this one i’d like you to sit back and listen to.

During the recording i meant to give certain directions to Lauren, you know, do my damn job, but we pulled up the track, hit record, she sang through it, and when she finished we just sat there, my mouth open, trying to say something other than “…uh….”


[bandcamp track=2053264086 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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