And So Friends We Bid Adieu

The Dolls Of New Albion, A Steampunk Opera Cast and Crew

Our first workshop has ended.

Now we must say goodbye to the people we’ve been basically living with for the past 2 weeks. We’ve cleared out the space, had our final drinks, and off we scatter to the wind.

We’ll keep some tabs on some of crew as they do other interesting things out there in Reality Land. Our Steampunk Opera Motion Photography Dept is working round the clock to make a video of the show we can shop around to producers and interested parties. We’ve had great feedback and very positive responses. It seems fairly certain that there will be a future for the show one way or the other.

I am aware that some of you fine folks out there will want to see some video. I will post some video. I’m not sure exactly what, but i must warn you, it is going to take some time. The video must be uploaded, converted, compressed, edited… it’s gonna take a bit.

Here is the very last round of photos from the show. (Surely we must be tired by now of photos from this shebang, but i am still going to post away)

I’m going to fly home (SLEEP) and i’ll be back in a day or so with a post dedicated to the Russian fan base out there who sent a representative to the show with gifts and tidings and who deserve their own post of thanks and gratitude.

Without further ado, some more photos:





















Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

2 thoughts on “And So Friends We Bid Adieu

  1. I can’t believe I’ve been away from your site so long and that you actually had a production! Oh, how I wish I could have seen it. I seriously love this opera.

  2. I can’t believe I’ve been away from your site so long and that you actually had a production! Oh, how I wish I could have seen it. I seriously love this opera.

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