All The News That’s Fit To Print

Alright folks, today i’m gonna talk about the completed auditions and also inform you that the completed demo for the 1st Act of The Dieselpunk Opera will be up in its entirety to listen to for 5 days starting tomorrow.

First auditions.

We completed auditions yesterday afternoon. For you non theater types, what this entailed was the singers who had passed the first two round coming in to sing specially selected songs from the show live.

Interestingly, for one of the characters, the production staff was sharply divided between two candidates who were both out of the park excellent. So we adjourned and rewatched audition footage the next day (today). We want to respond to the auditioners as quickly as possible, but a little time must be taken in these cases.

The REAL reason a little time must be taken is not because we must reconsider, open our minds and debate it out (that’s what production staffs tell you, but they’re lying). No, in these cases there is only one way to decide.

We must build a giant Thunderdome. Then we have to decide who’s going to actually enter. Don’t forget one of them won’t leave. Can’t send the Director in, what if he loses? Then we’re out a Director. Interns usually come in handy at these times, as do friends who work Ren Faire. They have swords and lances. In any case, eventually it all gets settled, the blood gets cleaned up and put into the special wine flask for the Ceremony during tech rehearsals and a decision is made.

The Dieselpunk Opera

Starting tomorrow i shall be uploading the demo for the 1st Act of the Dieselpunk Opera, called The Dieselpunk Radio Hour, A Dieselpunk Opera. Or: DRH.

It’a demo. What that means is the voices are not the final voices and vocals and the music could change if i decide it needs to. It’s as done as i can make it for now and it’s time to move on to the 2nd Act.

I’m singing all the parts. On the final album i probably will sing John O’Brien but i will NOT be singing the Narrator/Announcer. The Announcer will be sung by a male this time around, although just like last time there will be 4 singers, 2 women, 2 men. In The Steampunk Opera the 1st Act was basically a female Narrator and the female lead, in this case it’s contrasted with a male Narrator and the male lead. For those of you who adore female vocals and female characters, don’t worry, the best is yet to come. The 2nd Act will be stellar and will feature Constance O’Brien  and the 3rd, where we really get out of hand, will feature Jacqueline O’Brien.

I have a million things to say but ultimately i don’t think i should say any of them. The 1st Act may change. This is not a final copy. Because of that i will not leave it online permanently. 5 days.  For 5 days any of you interested can listen to it and see what you think (and heaven forbid actually enjoy). It’s a particular story with a particular character and hence particular music. if you don’t care for it, i hope at least you come back to try out the 2nd Act when it comes up as it will revolve around a different character with different particularities.

So, fair warning. Dear Gd i hope you like it, but you should reserve final judgement for the entire Dieselpunk Opera taken as a whole.

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