Actual Atompunk Music

Esquivel space age bachelor pad music

So as you may know, i have spent the past several evenings trying to find music that could truly be considered Atompunk music, so that i might have some musical tropes to draw from for The Atompunk Opera.

You can’t find dick when you search for Atompunk music, but what i finally found is that period music from the late 50s and early 60s that indeed conveys atompunkness in music.

It’s basically 2 genres known as Space Ag Bachelor Pad Music (yes, it is indeed an actual genre) and Exotica. Both are forms are lounge music.

Now you may listen to the following tunes and think “Sooooo, Paul is writing a lounge opera?” Oh heavens know. Do you not know me at all? Did you not listen to the first two operas? I will take some of these tropes and twist them into deformed shapes along with some other musical ideas i’ve had.

Xylophone, marimba, certain latin percussion and rhythms, a type of chord phrasing, moog keyboards and a specific kind of orchestral flourish. Those are the tropes i recognize in these an which i can drive up to in a black boxy car and offer candy to so that they will climb in and i can take them to my dungeon of despair and do things the FBI would start a manhunt for.

Anyway listen to these. You’ll get it. They’re kind of fun and they DO get across the 50s and 60s trying to imagine the future.





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