A Sneak Peak 3

It’s a contender…

First of all: the mixing and mastering is done. I’m basically finished and it’ll be ready soon. (I need to send the album to a couple extra sets of ears to make sure i’m not missing anything.)

In the meantime we come to the enrapturing Lauren Osborn and a song from the 4th Act. I had discussed this song in length quite a while back during my discussions abut the Priscilla character and this is what emerged.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/44826798″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=521a0c” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

The entire completed album will be available shortly, there’s just a few more steps in between here and there.

Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

5 thoughts on “A Sneak Peak 3

  1. I actually saw a post of yours a while ago that alluded to the entire thing being released today. I got up at half six in the morning, just to have time to listen to an act. I then came on, saw nothing, and promptly cried myself back to sleep, hugging my pillow and pretending it was Jasper/Annabelle.

    The rest of the day went well though. I managed to burst into a room, singing “oooone day, you will learn! And you will burn like my heart burns!” Much confusion ensued, as you can imagine, but the whole experience was definitely worth it; for a while, I was Edgar! *Flails*

    Oh, but, yeah. You’re a fantastic composer person, and I can’t wait to see what genius you’ve managed to make for the rest of the opera! I’ve been spreading the word, obviously, and a whole bunch of people are eagerly waiting for you to give us the final pieces!

  2. Holy shit, you took the time to listen, decipher and write them out?! Hats off to you, sir.

    I assure you, in fact a swear to you on someone else’s life, preferably who i don’t care about all that much, the complete soundtrack, due out in a week or so, will absolutely have the entire libretto with it.

    (lastly: “These odes of tear stained banter, and DEW EYED canDOr”

    and “and take AND HORDE and hide”. Good work, though. You will get a prize, i promise.)

  3. Some speak about love in a sweet way.
    Enchantment, romance, and dizzy dream states.
    And some just wait… And pace their cage.

    Some speak about love as a passion.
    As rapture and cries, and sighs and gasps and,
    Some resign, to yearn inside…

    These odes of tear stained banter, and due wide canter
    that wither in the world.
    The world that just deceives you, and beats and bleeds you,
    And leaves lonely little girls!

    And some sacrifice anyway!
    And some sacrifice it all away!

    All the fallen (?) and the burdened.
    And the wreathes upon their graves.
    When their broken, there’s no assurance, they made a better place…

    Some speak about love in a kind way.
    The friend that won’t leave and makes your day sane
    as you bide, and cringe and hide.

    Some wait for the stranger
    to touch and fill them.
    Some wait for the stranger
    who will kill them.
    And some just pace their lonely cage.

    With one dear doll who keeps you,
    from crying but cries to silently inside.
    Some speak of love and kindness, and clutching blindness,
    and taken hold (horde?) and hide.

    And some sacrifice anyway!
    And sacrifice it all away!
    All the fallen and the burdened!
    And the wreathes upon their grave!
    When you’re broken, there’s no assurance,
    You’ve made a better place.

    Hello, police?
    Hello, police?
    A felony…
    You need to see…

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