Romantically Apocalyptic

Meanewhile. in the land of Wtf, there is this webcomic:


There you go.

Welcome to Romantically Apocaliptic.

What the hell is it? What is it about?

And i quote:

I am Zee Captain.
The year is twenty something something.
I live in the magical, snowy land of Captania
of which I am the most delicious Governor.
Everyday is a merry holiday in Captania.


Me and my incredibly boobish minions: Mr Snippy, Pilot and Dr Engie live in the incredible time of Tomorrow-Tomorrow.
Many magical adventures, friends and foes await us!
Someday Spring will come and with it Summer.

This is my story.
I am captain.


Now come on, your curiosity has GOT to be peaked.

So go on over here and check this thing out.


“Romantically apocalyptic is produced by Vitaly S Alexius with studio assistance of Meeshka, Azim, Chico & Christine Z plus many awesome contributing illustrators.

Pencil and paper, Canon 5D Mark II camera, Greenscreen, Live actors in outfits, Dead actors (skeleton props), Photoshop and a Wacom Tablet.
Most of the comics are story-boarded, shot in the studio, worked on in Photoshop and contain 9 years worth of textures: 2.5 terabytes of stock footage, shot in real abandoned, forgotten places of our world. ”


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