Really, THE Single Most Cheesy Atompunk Song/Video Ever. So Bad It’s… Indescribable.

trommy seebach apache

It’s not simply the song. It’s the video. This video is… dude it’s so bad that it really, really is awesome. I mean… i don’t think anything can possibly ever beat this. It’s actually a cover of an older song originally with less disco.

It’s an internet classic so perhaps you’ve seen it. But if you haven’t… like i said, it’s a classic.

This particular version is not really atrompunk, but the original version of the song IS.  However this version and video is UNMISSABLE.

Come in for awesome keyboard dude living like there’s no tomorrow and stay for cringe inducing choreography white indian/hippy chicks.

I don’t care how bad the last music video you saw was. This is SO. MUCH. WORSE. This is inarguable proof that things were NOT better in the 70s.

“Apache-pache boy! Apache-pache boy!”


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